As many as 4 million athletes will suffer a traumatic brain injury this year.
We're fighting with them.



The Champion Comeback Foundation was founded in 2020 by husband and wife team, Lindsay Simpson and Nathan Getty. Lindsay, an Emmy-winning sports reporter and former soccer goalkeeper at the University of Maryland, suffered a TBI in 2018 that nearly took her life. Her medical battle has been long and arduous and as she continues to adapt to her "new normal" she hopes to use her experiences to help other athletes and former athletes through their own brain trauma recovery. Overnight, Nathan became a caregiver for his wife, and saw first-hand the devastating consequences of TBI, and the lack of resources available for caregivers. His goal is to provide resources and support for the caregivers these athletes rely on.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?


​The CDC defines a traumatic brain injury (TBI), often called a concussion, as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury. The symptoms can last weeks, months, and often years.

We call it the invisible injury. It's unpredictable, uncontrollable, and no two experiences are the same.

For many athletes with TBI, this will be the toughest opponent they've ever faced.